Tuesday, July 31, 2007


A rekiss (reboot) button might be a fun way to get into the whole power thing.
You need to find some sort of battery pack that you can hook up to a strand of lights. Then simply fasten your lights to a wire that you have sticking up. Instead of people hitting glasses they turn on their lights. 
Lights are cheap and will look all wirey and techy. The power sources might be a little more but you might be able to find a sale and buy in bulk.
They could also double as favors for the guests that aren't getting decks of cards.
The centerpieces could fit around these (or rather, these could fit around the centerpieces) easily or they could be left to stand alone. the box you put them in could be decorated with computer 
parts and have a single on/off button facing each side. 

Don't forget to put them at the head table for the bride/groom to press. :)
And someone can make a joke that this must be running on windows as everyone keeps rebooting it.

1 comment:

Com02 said...

I'm not 100% sure exactly what you're looking to do here but the first thing to keep in mind is power. You'd probably need to have one of those bigger 6-Volt batteries for each center piece. Those are ~$10 a piece.

You can't use most types of christmas lights as these are all AC. LED's can be purchased in bulk pretty cheap and you might know someone who is pretty handy with a solder iron who wouldn't mind giving a hand putting stuff together. *wink wink*

Depending on how many tables, how many lights, etc this would be somewhere between $15 and $50 per table.